By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Something you can do to keep the post-moving doldrums away is to ensure that you get plenty of sunlight and physical exercise. Take walks if you can and obtain plenty of physical activity indoors if you can't be outside. Research indicates that endorphins make us feel a lot better, and exercise floods your system with those little goodies.
Send out a Family Newsletter and Change of Address Cards
If you've not sent change of address cards to your pals, it's time. Snap a pic of the family members and your new house and integrate a chatty newsletter concerning all your "news"--home, town, employment, schools. Sharing with your old pals concerning your new life can put a grin on your face--it's bittersweet, inevitably, but will make it easier to move forward.
Ensure that your kids understand that Santa will get the change of address information, also. Include a copy of the family newsletter along with their letters to Santa, and when they're older, frame both as a gift.
Get Involved—Volunteer
You'll find ample chances to become involved in your new area through schools, church, and non-profit groups, and the holiday season is no different. Have a look at local social media pages for groups which interest you and your family, and arrange a Saturday wrapping gifts or an evening in a soup kitchen.
Numerous neighborhood organizations provide households the opportunity to supply Christmas for disadvantaged kids and families, and that is a wonderful method of getting your children involved. Take them shopping with you--consult their advice on styles and colors, games and toys, and permit them to pick a couple of gifts. Various groups request that you bring in unwrapped presents. If you're wrapping the gifts, have your youngsters select paper and also gift bags. Don't forget to label wrapped gifts with names and sizes.
While not becoming too cheezy over it, this kind of family exercise can do miracles towards boosting adolescent attitudes--of course, your young ones are surely feeling sorry for themselves, missing their old friends, however serving other folks will go quite a distance towards having things back into perspective.
Take a Holiday Getaway
In England, a holiday is really a vacation. If you cannot get into the spirit of the season as part of your new town, and you simply are not able to get back to family and friends, have a holiday--blow the whole thing off. This plan primarily is effective when no one is actually anticipating Santa (but with overnight shipping almost anywhere, why not), or you're not flying for your vacation--lugging along all that loot translates into substantial checked baggage costs. Below are some ideas for a holiday escape.
· Local resort--a resort of some sort is inside of a day's drive of nearly anywhere in the country. These options include activities for your children and grown-ups (supervised for youngsters, grownups not as much), incredible decorations, wonderful dinners, as well as a good break from your routine. Look for such things as decorating Christmas cookies, Yule log hunts, sleigh rides with hot cocoa, and even building sandcastles on the seashore--depending on the place you visit.
· Island escape--when you take into account the total expenditures across the holiday season, an island vacay is probably not as preposterous as you imagine. Without a doubt, it is a fairly grand amount, however when you do the math on trees, gifts, entertaining, new outfits for celebrations, decorations, and anything else, that's usually a alarming number, too. This is a better option with teens, that will amuse themselves as you take it easy.
· Christmas in the city--if you've viewed the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and imagined Christmas in New York, make this the year you decide to go. Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, and Nashville can also be cities which are perfect for the holidays.
Having a change from the normal holiday routines will help you through this transitional year. In case you are still battling the doldrums and can't manage to shake them, get some professional assistance. At times moving to Tulsa and Oklahoma City has more of an impact than you expect, and it takes more than a vacation and a shopping trip to get back to feeling like yourself.
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