Tulsa and Oklahoma City Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
December 30, 2024

Tips from Professional Movers in Tulsa and Oklahoma City for Procrastinators

packing for a moveBy Julie DeLong, Oil Capitol Relocation 

Moving is not really a good time, at least not the actual moving aspect. Investigatingand choosing your new home? Thatcan be exciting. But moving itself? It is a pain,it's a laborious task, and lots of individuals have issuesstarting the process.

Evenif you are not ordinarily a procrastinator, the sheer scaleof moving may leave you overloaded.Some people make this worse by leaving things until the very last moment, resultingin increased anxietyand panic. You may noteven know how to start.

So,here are some suggestions.

GetRid of Items You Don't Need

Movingis the best time to consider whether you need that outdated (and likelynot working) gaming system,old chair, etc. Choose what you are not intending to move and get it out ofthe way as soon as possible. This comprisesbelongings you could have decidedto replace, such as thatwobbly desk.

Itis okay being ruthless, particularly if you have got stuff you have not required in forever yet haven't gotrid of due to the fact, for example, they're a painto recycle (for instance old CRT TVs). Since you'll be looking through everything in one go, you'll be able to reduce the quantity of jaunts to the dump or recycling center or Goodwill.

Obtain Packing Materials

Are there enough movingboxes? Are you needing any specializedcartons, which isoften more challenging to find? Try to work out howmany cartons you will needso you can get them all in one fell swoop. As many people do not have the room to store oldmoving boxes, it is worth asking around to find outif anybody could offer you theirs.

Don'tforget about the less evidentthings. Are therepermanent markers in order to label boxes,so you and also the professional movers know exactly what room they are going in? Have you got enough tape? The answer to the latter is virtually always no. Get more tapethan you would imagine you are going to require. Startsaving paper to wrap thingsin well before your move.

You may also check with your local moving company in Tulsa and Oklahoma City to buy boxes along withother packing supplies.

Break It Down into Manageable Parts

The main reason you get overloaded is basically because it truly is such a tremendous undertaking.Even breaking it down by area isn'tadequate. Get it all the way down to simplesteps such as packing yourrefrigerator magnets, sorting your old DVDs, and also wrapping your valuables.

You'll be able to complete a pieceat a stretch. Whenever possible,try to multitask so it will be not so boring.Wrap as you're watching TV. Tune in to a podcast or perhaps anaudiobook. Don't presume you'll need full uninterrupteddays, or you will procrastinate until it's too late.

Compose a list of these sectionsso nothing will be forgotten about,then check them off. You could possiblyconsider rewarding yourself for gettingthem done. Possiblyget some candy and allow yourself to eata bit every time you complete an item.

Acquire Help with the ToughStuff

Somepeople would rather have the moving company in Tulsa and Oklahoma City to do all the packing. Even when you are notable to, nevertheless, it canpay to let the professional movers in Tulsa and Oklahoma City handle things whichare particularly fragileor complicated. If you have something that won't fit into a regularcarton, it may be a bunch simpler to permit them to do it, or atthe very least to acquiretheir tips on what type of packing materials youneed.

Don'tbe reluctant to ask for assistanceand also advice. A great movingcompany in Tulsa and Oklahoma City is there to help make surethat your move proceeds withoutproblems.

If you are procrastinating about packing, the best thing to do will be to break it down into acceptableparts, and you need to make certainyou get rid of the thingsyou have no need for, organize yourself and the supplies, and acquire help with the difficult and/or sensitive belongings.


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